About Carisa

  • Born in Hawaii, lived in Texas, Alberta, and both Southern and Northern California

  • Mentor Masterclass Certified Coach

  • Mom to 3 girls in a blended family- 4 girls if you let me count the doggy

  • Worked at UC Berkeley for 13 years.  Managed the Chemical Biology Graduate Program and simultaneously served as Graduate Student Advisor

  • Served 5 mayors and city managers as a Territory Manager in a Not-for-Profit addressing traffic and air quality

  • BA from Texas A&M in Biology, minors in Chemistry and Communications

  • Always a scientist and I hope to convince you to be one too!

  • Me too survivor

  • Lover of tea, chocolate, snorkeling, skiing, and making stuff. 

  • Skin seems allergic to everything

  • Excited for new adventures

  • Newly addicted to the Clubhouse App

I am a coach who gets excited about digging deep into the root of issues to make real, lasting changes.  In my experience, we can go far with tools and strategy, but the biggest breakthroughs come when we make the time and space to find, accept, and release fear and shame.  I am truthful and direct. I will never give you the 5 steps to (fill in the blank here) or waste your time with what you can find online or in a self help book.  I will bring my knowledge of tools and techniques to our meetings, but I’m a rebel at heart and believe there is no right way.  I’ll work with you to find the best way forward specifically for you.  I believe we all deserve to - and can- live joyfully with imperfections and life’s challenges. I continue to read, study, and work with my own coach to ensure I’m at the top of my game for all clients.

What I wish someone had told me… If you are selecting a coach for the first time, please know it is common to try out several before selecting someone to work with. Most offer a free or reduced fee first session. You want to find someone who is experienced, but most importantly, someone who feels comfortable to talk to and work with. It is my policy that we begin with a free Discovery Session so you get a taste of what coaching is like and we can both feel good about working together. Should we not be the right fit together, I will happily make a referral. Coaching will be a fantastic experience where you will grow and accomplish more than you expect. It will also bring up challenges and resistance. You need someone you can trust.

Should We Know Each Other?

I love coaching, consulting, and collaborating. Masterminds that allow you to leverage your work and the talents of your team members excite me. I am interested in aligned speaking engagements, podcast interviews, and co-moderating Clubhouse rooms.

If you feel like we need to know each other, please connect via e-mail or come get to know me inside the Steady Growth Mastermind. I look forward to learning more about you!

