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Have your BEST YEAR in a facilitated biweekly Mastermind

Gift yourself a powerful, dedicated "board of directors" working to support you this year. In this intimate Mastermind of up to 6 entrepreneurs, you will develop the ability to support one another deeply, call each other out with kindness, and gently push each other to new heights.  Members are coached to address each other as an expert while both asking for and giving support in this unique growth experience.  Amazing collaborations, business advancement, deep friendships, and expanded self confidence are typical results from this catalyzing structure. 

This format isn't for everyone.  The benefits depend on trust and relationships, which develop over time.  It requires a deep commitment from all members to contribute in an every-other-week 1.5 hour Zoom meeting. Each meeting follows a simple structure designed for maximum impact.  The day and time of the meeting will be set by mutual agreement of the group and facilitator. Membership is curated by Carisa to ensure each group is cohesive.

The investment is $249.99/ month.  A minimum 3 month commitment is requested. Better yet, commit to the full year at $999.99.

If this interests you, please message Carisa to schedule a call and ensure fit before purchase.  


For those interested in a shorter 3 month mastermind experience that shares the benefits of an intimate team for business growth and deep relationships, please consider the Massive Acceleration Mastermind.

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