Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching and how will it work for me?

Coaching, as defined by the International Coaching Federation, is an alliance between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.  Coaching results rely on the participation of both the Coach and the Client, so your results depend on both of us working together.  Should we both feel like we are a good fit, we meet by Zoom and I use deep listening, tools, conversation, and activities to assist you in defining and achieving your goals.  I will prioritize truth and your goals at all times, which may result in occasionally saying things that can be hard to hear.  Similarly, I am here to help you and welcome all feedback at any time.  My focus is on how to best move forward given current circumstances and I leave out judgement on past progress.   You will at all times be empowered to choose the actions right for your personal situation and your results are based on your choices.  It is important that you understand open, honest communication, and a willingness to change and be challenged will allow me to best serve you.  Change can be inspired, fun, and exciting, as well as sometimes hard. Working together over a period of time builds the skills and support to get through the tough parts and establish a sustainable new way of being.  Some of the benefits of coaching may not be realized until after the completion of coaching work as you make space for the work in your life.  

I uphold the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics which includes

  • Cultivation of a professional and truthful relationship with client.

  • Maintenance of strict client confidentially, unless release is required by law.   Privacy will be honored for all conversations, records, and electronic files.

  • Continual development of professional skills

Should I hire Carisa? 

Every coach has a unique style and way of working.  I strongly suggest you try out several different coaches to see what feels right for you- you will need to trust the person you work with so they can support you even when things are tough.  

 My style highly values the tenet that there is no “right” way.  I will not teach you “pillars” or have you go through specific “steps of mastery”.  We will start slow to examine how you work best and where you want to go, and create a unique path that fits your particular needs and life circumstances.  If there is homework between sessions offered, it is designed to fit into your life, not as a major challenge for you to jump through.  Things often start slower than expected, then pick up speed as we find ways to work that excite you.  My goal is to help you feel pulled towards a passion more that you feel like you have to force things uphill.  

Are you feeling like we might be a good match? I work by invitation and referral only so that I am working with a feeling of inspiration and can serve you best.  If you’ve received a referral or invite, please email me at and I’ll send you my schedule for a free consultation so you can also confirm we’re a good fit. This is an actual full coaching session so you can try out process. It’s important to me we both mutually agree to work together. If we are not yet connected, but you feel ready, please e-mail a brief description of the change you’re interested in and why you feel we would work well together and I’ll get back to you with next steps. It’s important enough to say again- I strongly encourage everyone thinking about coaching to have a free session first with several possible coaches and make sure you feel like the trust, personality fit, and mutual understanding of the direction you want to go is well established for best results.

I really want to work with you, but that price point is too high for me right now.  Are there any options?

I understand this is a big commitment.  I make a bigger one to my coach.  I choose to do it because on my own, it’s hard to see my own blindspots.  A good coach can help me see what I’ve overlooked and guide me towards ways to address it that feel good, so change can happen fast.  It’s always felt like a bit too much and almost crazy at the time I sign up, then it feels worth far more than I paid after the transformation.  Paying the coaching rates is my commitment to myself and helps me ensure I get everything I can from the experience.  Mistakes I’ve made in the past attempting to save money include 1.) not sticking with it long enough to troubleshoot issues that arise after the first breakthrough and sliding backward, and 2.) trying to address a big shift on my own or with a course.  These provided me with information and allowed me to change some behavior for the better, but did not result in a real, lasting transformation.  It always felt like work and eventually I would backslide and need to address it again, like a diet.  Sticking with a coach long enough that the change becomes part of me has been the fastest, most pleasant way I’ve experienced to make a major shift.

That said, I do have one sliding scale space available for someone who needs it.  If you feel this is you, let’s discuss. If you’re interested in a business transformation, I have options at a variety of price points.

For solopreneurs and small business owners, I host the free Steady Growth Mastermind, a community of entrepreneurs interested in helping each other to grow.  This space offers weekly accountability support, a place to ask and answer questions, and community of people who understand the grind and are open to collaboration.

For people who want to make a major commitment to their business, other options include:

The Biz Gym 

The Best Year Ever Mastermind

The Massive Acceleration Mastermind

What is a Mastermind?

Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich, coined the term Mastermind. The “Master” mind is formed when two or more people put their heads together and are able to think bigger and better than anyone could alone.  It’s completely possible to mastermind for free with your biz besties, but I love working with trained Mastermind facilitators working to create a safe space, bring out the best in all participants, and ensure people interested in collaborative work have a good experience.  

How much should a Mastermind Cost?

You will find Masterminds at all price points from free to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.  You should find one that fits your needs, but the benefits of Masterminding grow as deep connections are made with the members. This takes commitment from each member and time.  Free and low cost Masterminds have people regularly dropping in and out as people have not made a full commitment.  Our free Steady Growth Mastermind and low cost Biz Gym are designed for busy entrepreneurs who may need to come and go, but still want to have ways to connect, share, and grow together.  I’ve personally experienced Masterminds that have high price points to be amazing because everyone in them has made a full commitment to getting as much out of the experience as possible.  The Best Year Ever and Rapid Acceleration Masterminds are designed to both be of good value as well as secure a deep commitment from all members.  

Will everyone in a Steady Growth Mastermind share my field of expertise? 

Some Masterminds gather people in the same field.  There is value in finding people working on the same thing and exploring specific fields deeply together.  However, people can feel a bit more competitive and less likely to share when everyone’s in a similar space.  Plus, industry folks tend to share similar strategies and practices.  The Steady Growth Mastermind is welcoming of all fields.  Your next breakthrough is going to come from a new way of seeing things, not doing the same thing you’re already doing.  It’s through learning about our differences and how each unique person, business, and industry addresses challenges that we are exposed to new practices and ideas and have the chance to make a leap no one else has thought of before.

Will everyone in these Masterminds share my “level of success”?

Some paid masterminds screen out potential members based on specific metrics, for example requiring members to be making a certain amount of money annually or monthly, or having a certain amount of followers.  The idea is that you’re paying to work with “quality” people.  In my experience, some of the best ideas can come from someone starting out who has the ability to see things from a completely new that is often more similar to a client..because they are not familiar with the general industry practices.  The Steady Growth Mastermind welcomes all solopreneurs and small businesses who want to contribute to the group.  The Best Year Ever and Rapid Acceleration Masterminds do require an application process to assess fit.  It is not based on a numeric value of success, but looks more at how the individual’s personal goals and commitment levels fit with the group.  If you are interested in these Masterminds, please reach out to Carisa to discuss. 

Questions I missed? Please email me!

