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Truth: It's hard enough to get all the day-to-day stuff done in business.  It's pretty easy to learn some great stuff, have a fantastic idea, and wait for the someday you magically have time and space to get it done.  If you're ready to try something new, take small monthly actions with a coach and team, and see big improvement over time, welcome to your Biz Gym membership!  

Time to Commit to Action

  • Get results.  The Biz Gym is designed to keep you in action on the things that matter.  We're taking all of the great learning and sharing in the Steady Growth Mastermind and distilling it into small concrete steps you can fit into your life. While it's not necessarily easy, the transformation we'll get together over time matters.

  • Meet new people. Your fellow Gym Members are as motivated and committed as you are to master what we're exploring here in The Biz Gym.  Ready to surround yourself with people who take action, keep you inspired, and gently push you to see new options? Jump in!

  • Access exclusive content. Your Biz Gym Coach, Carisa Orwig, designs exercises for the specific needs of Biz Gym members to get you into the action needed for improvement. Content and events are available via mobile app or web access for easy integration into your day.

             Each Month includes 

  1. Live Q&A call with Carisa.  Learn how other's have applied last month's learning, what's working and not working, and how to improve through spot coaching.  All questions welcome.

  2. A Mini Challenge inspired by the Q&A call to help everyone improve together.

  3. Never fall off your marketing plan with 2 Opportunities to join a workgroup to Brainstorm Batch your content for the next month.  Come to one or both! 

  4. A surprise Deep Dive Resource or Training.

The membership is an investment of 24.99/month or 159.99 annually- a big discount when you commit for the year.  It can be purchased from the Biz Boost Store inside the Steady Growth Mastermind.  Biz Gym members additionally enjoy all benefits of the Steady Growth Mastermind membership.