The benefits of working with a team are massive and include higher achievement, greater persistence, lower levels of anxiety and stress, greater ability to understand diverse perspectives, more positive outlooks, and higher self esteem- just to name a few. People are not born knowing how to be a great team member so just joining a group does not guarantee results. The Steady Group Mastermind offers both free ways to support each other as well as paid coached experiences designed to bring out the best in members and get results. Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich, coined the term Mastermind. The “Master” mind is formed when two or more people put their heads together and are able to think bigger and better than anyone could alone.  Collaboration can catalyze growth.  Lets grow together!

The Steady Growth Mastermind

The Steady Growth Mastermind was created to bring you together with equally passionate entrepreneurs ready to stop doing it all alone and start growing together.  Our families and our communities are stronger when our businesses are thriving.  We need safe space to gather, share experiences, learn from each other, and get encouragement from people who understand the journey.  This space is designed to welcome you in, make it easy to find like minded friends and mentors, get inspired, and grow.  With weekly accountability support, a member selected monthly theme, expert trainings, and material created by and for members, it’s always relevant and timely.  Members with varied backgrounds and business niches mean you get a variety of viewpionts to inspire your next big breakthrough. It’s similar to a Facebook group with a feed, but is private so we can get to know each other and share real experiences.  Even though we’re in time zones across the world, we can drop in regularly, post questions and answers, and check back for diverse feedback so we never feel stuck again. Come make this your home.

Click to join.  It’s FREE

Click to join. It’s FREE

Who is it for?

Solopreneurs and Small Businesses who are willing to ask questions, share experiences, and grow together.

What is it?

A FREE community interested in collaboration, support, and making sure we’re all growing together. We share gentle accountability and look for ways to lift each other up. Everyone is an expert in their own biz and has gems to share.  We learn through voting for a monthly theme, asking and answering questions, sharing tools, and learning from experts.  We all move forward. 

What it is not: 

  • It is not a place to sell your services and spam people.  This behavior isn’t tolerated.  You can request referrals or share your pitch in appropriate sections as invited.

  • It is not a place to come and passively learn about running a business.  You will find this info inside, but this is a community of people who want to work together.  You can Google any question you may have and find a variety of viewpoints if you’re just interested in learning.  This group is for people who want to connect.

Ready for more? Options For People Wanting a Coached and Committed Group Experience

Steady Growth Members have access to to the Biz Gym, a low cost monthly membership to ensure growth action each month, as well as the Best Year Ever and Massive Acceleration Masterminds.

Click on the image to learn more about each program. To join these programs, first join the Steady Growth Mastermind. These are available inside SGM’s Biz Boost Store.