Looking for a co*Mod team!

Go to this link to share about you, your club if you have one, the topics you are interested in, and how to reach you.

New? Nervous? It’s OK. We are too. We can learn together as long as you agree with the following:

  • The Room is about serving the audience, not selling. Good service will bring happier audiences, follows, and outside connections.

  • A Moderator’s job is to help everyone feel comfortable, safe, and welcome.

  • Audiences have the best time and get the most help when they feel like all the moderators are rockstars! We love CoMods who talk each other up, let each other shine, and work together to create a great room.

The Unofficial Best Practices

“Room reset” Introduce everyone and explain how the room works and what to expect about every 10 minutes. It’s OK to remind people that if they are finding value, to follow all of the speakers and anyone who they resonate with in the audience b/c who you follow creates what you see and experience in Clubhouse.

Welcome all: Fast/slow talkers, people with lots to say, people who are more quiet, and clubhouse experts as well as newbies all have valuable contributions. Make sure to take time to acknowledge all contributions, give a few tips to new people who are learning so they know how to participate, and make space for all coMods with their different styles. This gives permission by example to all audience members that their style is also welcome.

Frame your contributions for people with visual or auditory impairment. Every time you speak, say <This is “your Name”>, then end with <“This is “your Name” and I am done speaking or I am complete>. This allows people to follow along even if they can’t see the grey circle around your bio.

PTR, Pull to Refresh: pull down on your screen regularly to see current order of people in the room.

Ways to bring people to the stage:

  • Pull to refresh order: Works for all size rooms. Call on people in order that they are on stage.

  • Popcorn style: Invite a group to stage and let them just contribute in any order. Can be annoying with a big group or a controversial topic where people talk over each other. Works best with a specific ask, like share one tip on a topic.

  • Invite all to stage: works best for small group, can create a cozy deep conversation. If done with a larger group, may need to also add an order to speakers

Ways for Moderators to work:

Room host (person who set up room) decides room culture and sets tone.

  • Popcorn: Moderators contribute as they are inspired

  • Host led: Host introduces new speaker, repeats question for understanding, then passes to Moderator best suited for response.

  • CoMod order: Mods take turns leading in the room, usually in order they are on stage. They thank last speaker, then introduce new speaker.

  • CoMod roles: Each mod plays a specific role in the room

Time Management:

If the room is lively, it’s good to turn off hand raising about 10-15 minutes before room closes. If people didn’t get a chance to speak, give them a way to connect in DMs or the next room.

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 Am I missing important tips? Questions? Please email me!

Clubhouse culture is changing daily. This is based on our interpretation of what we’re observing and is updated as needed.