Warning: This Mastermind is not for those interested in dipping a toe in the water. If that's what you are looking for, the BEST YEAR EVER Mastermind shares the benefits of deep bonding with both business and personal growth, but is spread out over a more relaxed timeframe designed to fit seamlessly into your business flow.
The Massive Acceleration Mastermind is a catalyzing three month experience designed to make the impossible possible. If you're ready to truly commit to an evolution, this is the place for you. If you're feeling a bit excited and a bit scared, you're in the right place. Here's what to expect
GET RESULTS This MASSIVE ACCELERATION Mastermind will design a project to benefit all members beyond anything one could individually imagine at this moment. The truth is no one can predict the financial results of this future one-of-a-kind venture. But you will dream up and accomplish something that would be impossible without this team. For those wanting to reset upper limits, build leadership skills, and redefine what they are capable of, this Mastermind is waiting for you. You will carry the results of this experience into all your future adventures.
DEVELOP YOUR LEADERSHIP TRIBE This is the ultimate business bonding for those looking to be surrounded by up to 6 people who will raise your game. You will join a team of dedicated and passionate entrepreneurs for a facilitated one-hour meeting twice a week. Together with your coach, you will work over three months to design, create, and execute a unique massive project bigger than any member could handle alone. Upon completion, you will have developed tight bonds and deep respect for each other and yourself.
DEEP SUPPORT All members of this mastermind are carefully selected and coached throughout the experience for a major personal and business evolution. Once you sign up and are approved, you'll receive a gift link to an “I need a 90 package”. This 90 minute private coaching call with Carisa will get you clear and ready to take full advantage of the Mastermind journey. You will learn to manage yourself, virtual assistant support, and your Mastermind members to get the most from this short timeframe. These skills will allow you to continue to revolutionize your processes beyond the Mastermind.
Are you ready? Please contact Carisa for a conversation to make sure this is a good fit for you.
The investment for this experience is 799.99 for the transforming three month Mastermind.